Swift and Affordable Blood Test Services

At Pet Alert, we understand that your pet's health is a priority. That's why we're thrilled to offer a new and essential service that ensures your pet receives the comprehensive care they deserve. Introducing our Onsite Pet Pathologist – your solution for fast and affordable blood tests, right here in Sydney. No more waiting for days for test results. Pet Alert's onsite pathologist brings convenience to you by offering pathology near me service at your doorstep, ensuring efficient communication and decision-making.

Speedy Results, Fast Actions

Time matters when it comes to your pet's health. With our onsite pet pathologist, you'll receive quick and accurate blood test results, allowing our experienced veterinarians to take informed actions promptly.

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Unmatched Expertise

Our pet pathologist is an expert in interpreting test results, identifying potential health concerns, and recommending the most suitable treatments.

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So Many Pets

Of course, having so many pets in one area has created problems. If one dog gets off his lead and comes across another dog, the barking can cause lots of distraction. And if one of the dogs comes across one of the cats, then all hell breaks loose. We always try our best to keep it under control, but in the last few months there have been a number of incidents.


Join the Pet Alert Family Today

When it comes to your pet's health, you deserve the best. Pet Alert not only delivers exceptional healthcare but also offers an environment where your pet can feel comfortable and loved. Our Sydney-based facility is more than just a clinic – it's a haven for pets and a resource for pet owners seeking professional guidance.

Trading Time

  • Monday - Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • 8 am - 11 pm
  • 10 am - 7 pm
  • 10 am - 7 pm

Latest News

Lucky our Pet Alert patrol members had it under control very quickly, while all the parents made sure the kids were safe.