Pet Alert

Pet Alert has been created and so far it is working well. Each day at school drop off and pick up, we have two members of the community join us to keep an eye on everything. It is their job just to raise the alert if a dog gets off the lead or if they see a cat approaching.

Minor Incidents

We have had a couple of incidents so far - one dog yanked his lead away from his owner (an 8 year old girl) and started chasing another dog on the opposite side of the road. Lucky our Pet Alert patrol members had it under control very quickly, while all the parents made sure the kids were safe.

Trading Time

  • Monday - Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • 8 am - 11 pm
  • 10 am - 7 pm
  • 10 am - 7 pm

Latest News

Lucky our Pet Alert patrol members had it under control very quickly, while all the parents made sure the kids were safe.